Thursday, September 08, 2022

Today -100: September 8, 1922: Of royal matches, juices, and blossoms

Greece asks for an armistice, which the Turks are unlikely to give because they’re, you know, winning. The Greek government resigns.

Ex-kaiser Wilhelm is considering marrying Princess Hermin of Reuss-Greiz; his family is trying to get him not to. For a start, she comes burdened with 5 children from her first marriage. Plus, she isn’t of royal birth; she’s only durchlaut, which is a rank above noble but below royal, and German royalists are super-snobby about shit like that. We’ve come across the two principalities, states, statelets, whatever, of Reuss before, by the way, they’re the ones where all the males of the royal family are named Heinrich and have been since c.1200 AD; thus, Hermin’s father was Prince Heinrich XXII, whose brothers were Heinrich XXI and Heinrich XXIII. It’s thought that Willy’s been dissuaded from the match, but it won’t stick. Both have recently lost their spouses (hers fell off a horse, as was the custom). She’s 34 and he’s 63.

A black man named O.J. Johnson, “twice tried on a charge of murder,” is lynched in Newton, Texas.

Brazil celebrates the 100th anniversary of independence.

Sarah Winchester, of Winchester Mystery House fame, dies.

At the second Miss America pageant, the prettiest contestant is named as... wait for it... Thelma Blossom of Indianapolis. She won’t be Miss America though; the crown will go to a 16-year-old who lied about her age. What the hell is a rolling chair parade, anyway? 

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