Friday, September 16, 2022

Today -100: September 16, 1922: Turks will be Turks

Des Moines sheriff Rev. Winfred Robb resigned his pastorate so he could carry out (well, botch) an execution. It is believed he is the first ordained minister in US history to act as an executioner. He’s running for Congress, by the way. As a Democrat. He will lose.

A NYT editorial on the fires in Smyrna is entitled “Turks Will Be Turks.”

Headline of the Day -100:  

The sticks with nails are used to skewer hats.

Can’t help noticing a lot of ads in today’s paper for non-straw hats.

There’s an ad for Ben Hecht’s book Gargoyles, which I haven’t read but will. Here are its first words:

The calendars said—1900. It was growing warm. George Cornelius Basine emerged from Madam Minnie's house of ill fame at five o'clock on a Sabbath May morning. He was twenty-five years old, neatly dressed, a bit unshaven and whistling valiantly, "Won't you come home, Bill Bailey, won't you come home?"

A 1922 book which mentions an alliterative brothel in the 3rd sentence has to be well worth reading, right?

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