Friday, February 09, 2024

Today -100: February 9, 1924: Brace up

The Senate expands its investigations of oil deals to include Colombia and Hawaii.

Medical and scientific observers at the Nevada gas-chamber execution insist it was swift and painless, “although the condemned man’s head continued to move up and down for six minutes,” which the doctors insist was probably post-mortem. Gee Jon was crying as they strapped him in, so the captain told him, “Brace up!”

Texas introduces death by electric chair, executing five (checks notes) black men. As is the custom.

There’s been an ongoing hissy fit by the American Legion and others over the German Embassy’s failure to lower their flags to half-staff for Woodrow Wilson, which might have a little something to do with, you know, the war.

The Prince of Wales falls off a horse, as was the custom. Breaks his royal collarbone.

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1 comment:

  1. According to yesterday's post, Nevada was preparing to use prussic acid, which is hydrogen cyanide, for Jon's execution. When it was used for an execution in Arizona in 1999, it took the victim 18 minutes to die, during which he exhibited “agonizing choking and gagging.” It was not swift and painless.
