Friday, February 11, 2022

Today -100: February 11, 1922: Of writing discouragement where today the world is ready to acclaim new hope

Russia will no longer hold prisoners longer than 2 months without trial. And there will be actual trials, not the Cheka (now abolished or at least renamed) just executing people.

Pres. Harding presents to the Senate the 7 treaties negotiated at the Washington Conference, saying if they aren’t ratified, quickly, “we shall discredit the influence of the republic, render future efforts futile and unlikely and write discouragement where today the world is ready to acclaim new hope.” He insists none of the treaties require the US to protect another country militarily.

Headline of the Day -100:  

200 arrest warrants are issued for people involved in the distribution of magazines Newark doesn’t like, and the city plans to start censoring literature at newsstands. Some of the magazines seized: “Hot Dog,” “Whiz Bang,” “Pajamas,” “Jazz.”

Mexico bans any movies with Mexican badguys or that show Mexican life unfavorably. Or indeed, any movies from film companies that show such films elsewhere. Not that there are many movie theaters in Mexico.

Michael Collins issues a general amnesty for acts of hostility against the Irish people during the late unpleasantness. You know, by members of the British army, police, Black and Tans, whatever.

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