Tuesday, February 08, 2022

Today -100: February 8, 1922: A military power, but not militarist

3 IRA men under sentence of death in Northern Ireland for killing 2 constables are reprieved, although they didn’t qualify for the amnesty.

French Prime Minister Raymond Poincaré says France needs an army of 630,000 and will eventually reduce the draft from 18 months to 12. “Events oblige France to be a military power, but not militarist,” he says.

Headline of the Day -100:  

The India Office warns it will put down the non-cooperation movement with “sternness and severity,” saying “no Government could discuss” Gandhi’s demands. But it does “correct” some of his “misstatements,” such as that non-cooperation is necessary to secure the rights of free association, free speech and free press. You know, the things they JUST FUCKING SAID they’d crack down on with sternness and severity.

Prohibition agent Milton Extein goes to the office of a US commissioner to get a warrant for a bootlegger from whom he bought some corn whiskey, only he says the bottle was lost or stolen on his way to the office. Then he collapses with alcohol poisoning and has to be rushed to the hospital.

Headline of the Day -100:  

Proving once again that silent so-called “comedies” were actually documentaries.

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