Sunday, February 06, 2022

Today -100: February 6, 1922: Of cardinals, glands, forgeries, and missing pink silk nightdresses

The cardinals still haven’t elected a new pope. The NYT thinks (wrongly) that it’ll be Cardinal Giovanni Tacci Porcelli, or Johnny Piggies as he’d be called if he were a character in The Sopranos.

With the Washington Conference almost over, it’s time to tot up the scores, and the NYT thinks the big winner is Japan and the big loser is Russia (which wasn’t invited). China is pretty fucked too. Japan promises, “for the third or fourth time,” to leave Siberia. Any points of friction between the US and Japan that might lead to war have been removed, so that’s good. France’s reputation in the US has been damaged by its stubborn, not to say intransigent, negotiating style.

In Sing Sing last month a Manhattan doctor, tampering in God’s domain as was the custom, removed the glands of a prisoner executed in the electric chair and implanted them in an epileptic convict. Prison officials are being evasive about whether it even happened.

Some forged English banknotes have turned up in Paris, and the cops are pretty sure it’s a scheme by Russia to undermine the French economy.

The police seem to be having a ball investigating the murder of movie director William Desmond Taylor. They’re looking for a “drug peddler” and a missing valet and also searching for a pink silk woman’s nightdress that went mysteriously missing from Taylor’s apartment, as have letters from actor Mabel Normand, possibly stolen after Taylor’s death was announced by studio operatives.

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