Saturday, February 12, 2022

Today -100: February 12, 1922: Of debasing and degrading music, romantic women, and emigration

Headline of the Day -100:  

Kansas City school superintendent I.I. Cammack, thinks jazz – “this debasing and degrading music” – is as intoxicating as booze and should be legislated against.

New pope Pius XI will allow Italian army officers to attend his coronation wearing their uniforms for the first time since Italy annexed Vatican City in 1870. He’s trying to ease relations with Italy, which will only happen when Italy gets a more congenial leader (Mussolini, of course I’m referring to Mussolini). Scalpers are selling tickets to the event for 100 lire, which is the equivalent of some money.

The Hungarian government wants to restrict women’s suffrage to those over 30 because the young ‘uns are “romantically” inclined in favor of the deposed Hapsburgs.

Russia says if it goes to the Genoa international finance conference, it better be treated as a sovereign country and not as a colony (so far it’s mostly France which is insisting on imposing preconditions for Russian participation).

One effect of the establishment of the Irish Free State: Irish emigration to the US has dropped dramatically.

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