Thursday, April 28, 2016

Today -100: April 28, 1916: Passeront pas

Objections in Parliament force Prime Minister Asquith to withdraw a bill extending conscription to every single male aged 18 to 45 and extending until the end of the war the enlistment of those who enrolled for a limited period. Many consider this unfair for letting married men who never signed up voluntarily off the hook. MPs running the spectrum from Labour to Sir Edward Carson think “compulsion for all” is the only fair thing.

US Secretary of State Robert Lansing denies giving the British government the information they used to capture Sir Roger Casement.

The British say Sir Roger Casement is telling them the revolt will fail without the only person capable of leading it – himself. Pretty sure this is bullshit.

Martial law is extended to all of Ireland. The revolt seems to be spreading, and the army hasn’t managed to retake Dublin.

Irish Nationalist leader John Redmond and Ulster Unionist asshole Sir Edward Carson join in opposing the Rising and in hoping no one uses it to attack any political party. Redmond doesn’t know it yet, but he is pretty much done.

Headline of the Day -100: 

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