Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Today -100: July 6, 1916: We have from the beginning had no other motives than those based upon our right and our duty

The NYT has an editorial,

that captures American condescension towards Mexico in all its glory. Carranza’s greatest failing, it seems, was to underestimate the wonderfulness of the United States: “We have from the beginning had no other motives than those based upon our right and our duty. That Carranza should have so profoundly misunderstood us is perhaps not so strange – the Mexicans are not only suspicious of others, but they often seem to be incapable of understanding their own shortcomings.” Lucky they have you then.

Lloyd George’s plan for Home Rule is to take the MPs currently representing Ireland (excluding the 6 Ulster counties) and call them a Home Rule House of Commons. They’d do double duty in the Dublin and Westminster parliaments, which should be fine because the one in Dublin won’t be allowed to do much of anything anyway. Amusingly, this plan would mean that one Home Rule MP would be rabid anti-Home Ruler Sir Edward Carson, MP for Trinity College, Dublin (a seat elected by graduates of the university). There will also be a Senate, packed with Ulster Unionists. This arrangement will be a temporary one, expiring one year after the war ends.

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