Saturday, February 16, 2019

Today -100: February 16, 1919: If it is an unjust peace, 70,000,000 people in their hearts will never forgive or forget

New German Chancellor Philipp Scheidemann warns: “The Entente is able to force any kind of peace on Germany, but if it is an unjust peace, 70,000,000 people in their hearts will never forgive or forget.” Also, he wants to annex Austria.

German Foreign Minister Count Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzau (what a name!) says “Germany cannot enter a League of Nations without colonies.” He accepts the internationalization of colonies (the mandate system), but only so long as all colonial powers also do so and Germany receives a proportional share of colonial products.

Some Republican senators do not like the draft League of Nations constitution, which they see as violating the Monroe Doctrine and surrendering US independence. Wilson has asked the Senate not to start discussing the League until he gets back to the US and has a chance to talk down to them about it, but they may go ahead anyway (they will become especially pissed off at Wilson tomorrow when they hear that he’s planning to land in Boston and make pro-League speeches before talking to the Sen. Foreign Relations Committee).

Immigration Commissioner Richard Campbell bans immigrants who withdrew their declarations of intent to naturalize in order to avoid the draft from ever becoming citizens.

NYT political cartoons are soooo subtle:

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