Monday, October 24, 2022

Today -100: October 24, 1922: Of mad counsels, Communists v. Restaurants, and klandidates

Andrew Bonar Law (who lived the first 12 years of his life in New Brunswick) is now prime minister of the United Kingdom. There will be a general election on November 15th. That’s a Wednesday. The Labour Party justifiably thinks that the choice of a weekday is intended to suppress the Labour vote; Conservatives say Wednesday is more convenient for small shopkeepers.

Lord Arthur Balfour praises Lloyd George and says the Conservative MPs who voted to break up the Coalition took “mad counsels.” Balfour was the last Tory prime minister.

A rumor, which the Berlin Police took seriously, spread that “Communist gangsters” would attack fancy restaurants. They didn’t. Another rumor is that there will be a Red Revolution™ on November 9th. (Spoiler Alert: there won’t be).

When Klan-backed Earle Mayfield won the Texas Democratic primary for US senator, anti-kluxers quickly adopted George Peddy as a fusion candidate (independent D’s plus R’s), but the Democratic secretary of state refused to let his name appear on the ballot. Peddy’s lawyers say the Klan has absorbed the D. party in Texas, so Mayfield is not the D. candidate. Federal judges uphold the secretary of state’s decision. A second lawsuit aims to keep Mayfield’s name from appearing as the Democratic candidate, Mayfield claims he only attended one Klan meeting in Dallas, not 3 like a witness had said. So that’s okay then.

Harding endorses Peddy in a statement that condemns the Klan without specifically naming them.

German Chancellor Joseph Wirth suggests responding to the collapse of the mark by defaulting on reparations. He has taken to repeating the slogan “First bread, then reparations.” Speaking of bread, the price is about to double, thanks to the centrist bourgeois parties in the Reichstag caring more about Prussian landowners and other agrarian types than they do about workers.

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