McCain’s latest ad, on health care, says he offers “bold new solutions, not tired old politics.” Should The Two really be using the phrase “tired old”?
Today Bush addressed the annual meeting of the West Virginia Coal Association because “No better group of people to talk about energy with than people who actually take risk to find energy.” He was referring to people who risked capital, not black lung disease.

THE ENERGY: “I want to talk about the energy today.”
WHAT WE GOT TO DO: “we got to work to have a comprehensive plan”. I don’t speak Broken English, but isn’t the correct grammar “we got to work to got a comprehensive plan”?
HE’S THE REMINDERER: “And part of that sprint to the finish will be to continue to remind the American people that we need to be realistic and have common sense about today’s energy needs and tomorrow’s energy needs.”
HE’S THE REMINDERER: “I might remind you that in the beginning of my presidency there were some challenging times.”
HE’S THE REMINDERER: “Now, it’s not as good as we’d like it to be, but I want to remind you a few months ago there were predictions that the economy would shrink this quarter, not grow.”
OF COURSE ANYTHING MORE THAN ALL HIS FINGERS AND TOES SOUNDS LIKE A LOT TO HIM: “We use about 1.1 billion tons of coal a year. That sounds like a lot to me.”
IN OTHER WORDS: “Today my administration announced $36 million for new carbon capture projects. In other words, it’s more than just research.”
WHAT 250 YEARS OF RESERVES SHOULD SAY: “Two hundred and fifty years is -- of reserves should say, gosh, we’re in good shape; we got energy available right here in the United States of America.”
WHAT WE OUGHT TO BE UTILIZING: “We ought to be utilizing wind.”

IN OTHER WORDS: “You can have a drilling site that protects the flora and the fauna, and explore in ways to get -- to be -- doesn’t deplete your reservoir unnecessarily. In other words, we get oil and gas to the pipeline.”
INTERESTING BUT SAD (BUT NOT ACTUALLY A STATISTIC): “One of the real problems we have is that we haven’t built a refinery in the United States in 30 years. Isn’t that an interesting statistic? It’s kind of a sad statistic”
WHAT WE’RE IN: “We’re in a interesting period of time.”
HE’S THE REMINDERER: “I sometimes remind people that we have to buy oil from places where people don’t particularly like us.”
I TRY NOT TO PRY INTO MY CAR’S SEX LIFE: “I don’t know if you pay attention to whether your car is flex-fuel or not, but that means you can either regular gasoline or ethanol.”
ER, RIGHT: “And I’m not sure how long it’s going to take, but don’t be surprised if technological breakthroughs don’t enable you to become gasoline producers.”
DICK CHENEY IS FUELED BY EATING BOTH (HE CALLS IT FLEX-FUEL): “I talk a lot about our energy resources, but the best resource in America is the brain power and the optimism of the American people.”
WHAT GEORGE LOVES: “We’re a fabulous country. You know, I have seen America at its very best in seven and a half years. I marvel at the entrepreneurial spirit in our country. I love the fact that people go from nothing to something. Our small business owners are great people. I love the fact that we’ve got people who understand the dangers we face, understand we’re facing ideological people that use murder to achieve their objectives, and want to hurt us again here at home.” I love the fact that whenever Bush forgets what he was talking about, he starts jibbering on about The War Against Terror (TWAT).
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