Saturday, March 19, 2011

We cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy

Obama made a statement about the “limited military action” (no nukes, yet) “in support of an international effort to protect Libyan civilians.” Unless they, you know, get in the way of our bombs. Run, Libyan civilians, run!

On McNeil-Lehrer yesterday, UN Ambassador Susan Rice was asked whether these “Libyan civilians” we’re supposedly protecting include rebels actively fighting Qaddafi’s forces:
RAY SUAREZ: As you say, the president declared that all attacks on civilians must stop. But do you read the word “civilians” to include those who have taken up arms against the government? Are they civilians or combatants?

SUSAN RICE: Well, they’re -- we’re about the business of protecting civilians. And there are civilians at extraordinary risk, 700,000 of them in the city of Benghazi. And civilians have been the victims towns in Misrata and Zawiyah and Ajdabiya, where Gadhafi forces continue to attack. So, that is the focus, that is the purpose of the Council resolution passed yesterday. And that’s, as the president said today, what we will be implementing.

Naturally, Ray just dropped it without getting an answer to his question. But without that answer, we literally don’t know what the scope of this mission actually is. Which of course is just the way Obama wants it.

Back to today’s statement.

BOOM? “That coalition met in Paris today to send a unified message”.

LIKE A WEDDING, OR A FUNERAL, OR AN ACCIDENTAL AIR STRIKE ON A WEDDING OR A FUNERAL: “...and it brings together many of our European and Arab partners.”

DEEPLY: “I am deeply aware of the risks of any military action”.

OUR FIRST CHOICE WAS EVERYBODY IN THE WORLD DOING WHATEVER WE TELL THEM TO DO WITH NO FUCKING BACK TALK: “I want the American people to know that the use of force is not our first choice and it’s not a choice that I make lightly.”

EXCEPT IN YEMEN, BAHRAIN, SYRIA... “But we cannot stand idly by when a tyrant tells his people that there will be no mercy”.

OUR UNIQUE CAPABILITIES: “As a part of this effort, the United States will contribute our unique capabilities at the front end of the mission to protect Libyan civilians”.

SO THAT’S OKAY, THEN: “And as I said yesterday, we will not -- I repeat -- we will not deploy any U.S. troops on the ground.”

OH DEAR, HE’S STARTING TO GRATUITOUSLY SLIP REFERENCES TO HIMSELF BEING “COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF” INTO EVERY SPEECH, THAT’S NEVER A GOOD SIGN: “As Commander-in-Chief, I have great confidence in the men and women of our military who will carry out this mission.”

PROUD: “I’m also proud that we are acting as part of a coalition that includes close allies and partners who are prepared to meet their responsibility to protect the people of Libya and uphold the mandate of the international community.” What “responsibility” to protect the people of Libya?

Qaddafi’s laughable announcement of a cease-fire yesterday, by the way, was never broadcast on state tv in Libya.

Also, “Operation Odyssey Dawn.” Really? Odyssey Dawn is a Carnival cruise ship, not a series of air strikes.

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